Paula Brauer
Paula Brauer PhD, RD, FDC is a Professor Emerita at the University of Guelph. Her 20-year research career focused on efforts to promote vegetable and plant-based eating patterns among university students and in testing personalized diet approaches in obesity and cardiometabolic risk conditions. She completed a BHEc from UBC and interned at Kingston General Hospital. Her MSc from the University of Wisconsin (Madison) was followed by about 15 years working in acute and primary care in Alberta and Ontario before going for a doctorate in Epidemiology at U of Toronto. She was active in committee work to set up Family Health Teams in the 2000s and as a member of the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care 2010-15. She has been a DC Board member, editor of the Journal, and a Ryley-Jeffs award winner. pbrauer@uoguelph.ca
Marlene Wyatt
Marlene completed a bachelor’s degree at Western University and a Dietetic Internship at the Hospital for Sick Children. She holds a Masters of Public Administration degree from Carleton University. Her dietetics career included hospital based practice in London, Ontario, after which she became Director of Nutrition and Food Service at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario. Upon leaving hospital practice, she worked for several years as Director of Professional Affairs with Dietitians of Canada. Her responsibilities included managing undergraduate and internship/practicum accreditation reviews. Her professional career has encompassed being an Ontario Ministry of Health appointee to the transition council that established the College of Dietitians of Ontario (CDO), a member of the founding group of the Internationally Educated Dietitian Pre-Registration Program (IDPP) at Ryerson University, and a DC Steering Committee representative and Co-Chair of the Partnership for Dietetic Education and Practice (PDEP). marlenemwyatt@gmail.com
Linda Dietrich
Linda retired in 2016 after 44 years as a member of the dietetic profession, first as a RPDt (Registered professional dietitian) graduate of the University of Toronto and Toronto General Hospital and as an RD (Registered Dietitian) when the College of Dietitians was formed. Her career included practice in clinical nutrition, endocrine research, clinical management, internship direction and association management as regional executive director at Dietitians of Canada. Her volunteer activities included many provincial and national committees and in 1992 president of the Ontario Dietetic Association. She is an Emeritus Member of Dietitians of Canada. Linda received a Masters degree in adult education from the University of Toronto in 1997. linda.dietrich26@gmail.com
Janis Randall Simpson
Janis Randall Simpson PhD, RD, FDC, FCNS is Professor Emerita at the University of Guelph. Her research career has involved the development of nutrition risk screening questionnaires for toddlers and preschoolers (NutriSTEP® & Nutri-eSTEP) and assessment of nutritional status. Her research has also involved Anabaptist communities in Southwestern Ontario. Janis’ professional service included 3 years as a Council member on the College of Dietitians of Ontario, Treasurer of the Canadian Nutrition Society for 10 years and Executive Director (part-time, volunteer) of the Canadian Foundation for Dietetic Research for over 4 years. Janis has a BSc (chemistry) from the University of Toronto and a PhD (Applied Human Nutrition) from the University of Guelph. Prior to her academic appointment at the University of Guelph, she worked in various research settings at Canadian universities. Janis retired officially from the University of Guelph in 2014; she has continued with some research and teaching since then. rjanis@uoguelph.ca