Please consult the pdf versions of topic timelines for more detailed information and references. CDA=Canadian Dietetic Association; DC=Dietitians of Canada. |
Timeline Since the 1990s

CDA Builds Relationships with Media Outlets
First National Nutrition Month
Nutrition week initiated in the 1970s becomes Nutrition Month with annual theme.
Ontario Passes Regulated Health Professions Act (Bill 43) and the Dietetics Act (Bill 51)
Regulated health professions are governed under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA) and health profession specific Acts. Regulation is developed in the interest of the public and public protection.
CDA Releases First Position Paper
The national dietetic profession’s first position paper was on hunger and food security. Subsequently, several position papers on a number of issues were released by CDA/Dietitians of Canada (DC).
Participating countries endorse a World Declaration on Nutrition
Following the declaration at the International Conference on Nutrition, CDA/DC participates on a joint steering committee which released a report in 1996.
Health Canada Releases New Canada’s Food Guide
The new guide updates the 1982 version using a whole diet approach with a rainbow graphic profiling four food groups: Grain Products, Vegetables and Fruit, Milk Products and Meat and Alternatives.
British Columbia Establishes Dial-A-Dietitian Society
The Society continued advocacy for provincial support of the phone line which had been started in 1972 by volunteers. This later evolved to Health Link BC in 2020. Use of the nutrition call centre model spreads to several other provinces.
Canadian Foundation for Dietetic Research provides first grants
The foundation was established in 1991 to raise funds and provide grants to support practice-based research conducted by dietitians.
Ontario Establishes a Guide for Raw Food Cost in Long-Term Care
Members of the Ontario Dietetic Association (ODA) are successful in advocating for dedicated funding for food in long-term care homes.
College of Dietitians of Ontario Becomes a Regulatory Body
Registration with the College is required for anyone practicing as a dietitian. The College sets and enforces standards for qualifications, continuing competence, conduct and ethics.
Corporation Professionnelle des Diététistes du Québec (CPDQ) becomes L’Ordre Professionnel des Diététistes du Québec (OPDQ)
In 1956 Quebec was the first province to grant legal status to the profession with the reserved titles “dietitian” and “dietician”. In 1994 the reserved title of “nutritionist” was added.
CDA and Caribbean Association of Nutritionists and Dietitians (CANDi) Establish the Caribbean-Canada Network
CDA/DC assisted in the establishment of CANDi in the 1970s. The Network works on joint projects and identifies regional resource people.
Institute of Medicine (US) establishes Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) committee
For joint US/Canada development of DRIs as the basis for nutrition recommendations. The first joint report is released in 1997 on calcium and related nutrients.
Business and Industry Network
Dietitians working in business and industry networked over several events, including an annual golf tournament.
Redefining of Dietetic Associations in Canada
Discussions begin with a proposal for professional development and representation to be assumed by CDA/DC. Executive Directors of the provincial associations become DC Regional Executive Directors with responsibility for professional development and provincial advocacy.
CDA/DC Publishes Healthy Pleasures the first of several cookbooks
It was a collaboration with the Canadian Federation of Chefs and Cooks. Future books included Simply Great Food, Cook Great Food, and Cook. Individual dietitians also publish a variety of cookbooks.
Ontario Ministry of Health Establishes Primary Health Care Reform Advisory Group
The Ontario Dietetic Association represented dietitians on a Ministry of Health Primary Health Care reform advisory group of interprofessional practitioners and were included in the recommended group of providers.
Release of Entry-Level Competencies
CDA/DC, in partnership with provincial dietetic associations, received a grant from Human Resources Development Canada to develop a national set of competencies for entry level dietitians.The 145 competencies reflect the knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes, and judgement necessary for competent performance of entry-level dietitians and become the basis for accredited Internship/Practicum programs.
British Columbia publishes Geriatric Nutrition in Care Facilities Manual
The manual was published by British Columbia Dietitians’ and Nutritionists’ Association and takes a multidisciplinary approach.
CDA/DC Develops a Comprehensive Public Affairs Strategy
In consultation with and on behalf of the profession opinions of the Association are represented in position papers, national guidelines on nutrition topics and federal regulations.
Dietitians of Canada (DC) is the New Professional Association for Dietitians
The new structure was based on 6 regions: British Columbia; Alberta; Saskatchewan; Manitoba & Northwest Ontario; South Central Ontario; Eastern Ontario & Quebec; and Atlantic regions. DC was formed from the amalgamation of CDA and the ten provincial dietetic associations. DC focused on increasing access to dietitian services, raising the profile of the profession, providing networking and leadership opportunities, and providing evidence-based practice resources.
Alberta Initiates the Long-Term Care Review
The review was initiated by Alberta Health and Wellness to provide advice to the Minister on policies and strategies to enable the health system to respond to the aging population.
British Columbia Amends the Adult Care Regulations
The regulations were amended to require all licensed residential community care facilities to have a nutrition and food service audit program.
DC Launches Website
The public facing website is launched, followed in 1998 with the launch of the first Nutrition Month website, Eat Well, Live Well.
Nine Provinces Adopt the Canadian Dietetic Registration Examination (CDRE)
This national examination tests the necessary knowledge, skill, attitude and judgment required to competently practice dietetics.
Ontario Sets Requirement for Registered Dietitian (RD) Time Per Resident in Long-Term Care
The criteria for dietitian time of 15 minutes per resident per month was enforced by the Ontario Ministry of Long-term Care.
The First National DC Conference is in Nova Scotia
The conference was held at Acadia University. Elements of the previous CDA conferences, including the Ryley Jeffs lecture, were included.
Journal of The Canadian Dietetic Association becomes the Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research (CJDPR)
The ‘Journal’ becomes indexed by major databases, including PubMed, Medline, and EBSCO platforms like CINAHL and CABI. Practice becomes an official insert to the journal and allows dietitians to share elements of their work in a storytelling medium. The journal has continued, while in 2004 Practice was replaced by an online Blog.
Nova Scotia Dietetic Association (NSDA) Becomes a Regulatory Board
As the provincial regulatory body, NSDA establishes mandatory registrations for dietitians in order to practice. NSDA becomes the Nova Scotia College of Dietitians and Nutritionists with changes to the Dietetics Act (2009).
DC Becomes the Healthy Eating Affiliate for the Canadian Health Network
The Canadian Health Network was established by Public Health Agency of Canada as a collaboration with major health organizations to provide an online portal to credible health information.
The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Establishes Health Check & Eat Smart Programs
This was a certification program to promote heart-healthy foods. Dietitians in business and industry helped form and manage the program as a step toward mandatory labelling requirements.
Federal Government Creates Primary Health Care Transition Fund
To support provincial reform of primary health care. Each province takes a different approach. Dietitians across Canada participate in provincial projects. In Ontario, a demonstration project is funded for team-based RD services.
Dietitian Advocacy Increases Long-Term Care Raw Food Cost
Ongoing advocacy by Ontario dietitians ensures cost of living increases to raw food cost allowance in long-term care homes in Ontario.
Publication of the 6th Edition of the Manual of Clinical Dietetics
As a paper-based diet manual. This was a collaboration between DC and the American Dietetic Association (ADA).
DC Becomes Secretariat for the International Confederation of Dietetic Associations
DC established a web site and newsletter for contributions by members of the international community.
The Role of the Dietitian in Primary Health Care: A National Perspective
DC published this very successful advocacy document to promote practice. An updated version is published in 2009.
Canadian Regulatory Bodies Sign Labour Mobility Agreement
The agreement to harmonize requirements and create consistency between provinces is signed by all 10 Canadian Dietetic Regulatory Bodies.
DRI Online Course Launched
DC provided dietitians with the first online self-study professional development course on DRIs.
Professional Dietitians Act in Saskatchewan is Amended to the Dietitians Act
The Act delegates the responsibility for regulating the practice of dietitians to the Saskatchewan Dietetic Association (SDA). The SDA becomes the Saskatchewan Dietitians Association.
College of Dietitians of British Columbia (CDBC) is Established
The provisions of the Health Professions Act and the Dietitians Regulation are the laws that specify Dietitians’ role and obligations. Only registrants of the College can use the title Dietitian.
College of Dietitians of Alberta (CDA) is Established
CDA is responsible for regulating dietitians practice. The Health Professions Act and Registered Dietitians and Registered Nutritionist Professional Regulations designate the protected titles that can legally be used by CDA registrants.
College of Dietitians of Manitoba (CDM) is Established
Under the Registered Dietitians Act, the Manitoba Association of Registered Dietitians becomes the CDM that is responsible for regulating dietitians’ practice.
American Dietetic Association Develops the Nutrition Care Process
This process included nutrition diagnosis, assessment, intervention monitoring and evaluation, formalizing the documentation of clinical nutrition care.
Public Health Nutrition evolves 2000-2010
Multiple changes led to several provincial department reorganizations, fluctuating compensation for dietitians, variable funding for nutrition programming and broadening of responsibilities. Changes varied by province.
DC Media Network
Dietitians interested in media communications come together to develop resources for dietitians, dietetic interns, and nutrition students.
DC Board Provides Seed Funding for Practice-based Evidence in Nutrition (PEN)
A formal proposal from DC staff gained DC Board support for an online resource to support practice.
Dietitians in Private Practice Consulting Manual
The Dietitians of Canada Consulting Dietitians Network published their first of several manuals for dietitians in private practice.
National Fee Survey Results
DC Consulting Dietitians Network publishes What are Entrepreneurial Dietitians Charging?
Dietitians post to Facebook
Credible nutrition information is available to the public through new social media.
Entrepreneurial Skills for Dietetic Curriculum
Business and Industry Network recommends dietetic programs across Canada should be implementing new skills in education programs.
Long-Term Care and Hydration Standards
Standards and criteria for long-term care homes in Ontario were released by the Ministry of Health and Long-term Care.
Internationally Educated Dietitians Pre-Registration Program (IDPP)
The first pre-registration program for internationally educated dietitians accepted their first student cohort at Ryerson (Metropolitan Toronto) University.
Practice-Based Evidence in Nutrition (PEN)
DC launches PEN as an online resource with 12 knowledge pathways, 60 subscribers and one contact centre licensee.
Newfoundland and Labrador College of Dietitians (NLCD) is Established
NLCD becomes incorporated under the Dietitians Act and has responsibility for regulating dietitians practice.
The Pan-Canadian Task Force on Public Health Nutrition
DC with funding from the Public Health Agency of Canada began work on ensuring and developing public health nutrition competencies that would become standardized.
Employment Profile for New Graduate Dietitians: One Year After Internship/Practicum
The first of several reports published by DC provides insight for educators on graduate employment factors (networking, length of time to first job, position title, salary, etc.)
Primary Health Care Supplement Added to Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research (CJDPR)
This highlighted the work done by an Ontario demonstration project and the DC Ontario Primary Health Care Action group.
Nutrition care process (NCP) and International Dietetics Nutrition Terminology (IDNT) adopted in Canada
DC providing professional education and support on the standardized language.
DC Launches EatRight Ontario
The first dietitian public contact centre with multi-modal access (phone, email, website). Funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care it is the second provincial dietitian call centre in Canada after British Columbia.
Nutrition Labelling becomes Mandatory for All Pre-packaged Foods
This is in addition to the ingredient listing.
Enhancing Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Primary Health Care (EICP)
This initiative was backed by diverse health profession organizations, including DC, and funded by Health Canada’s Primary Health Care Transition Fund.
Health Canada updates Canada’s Food Guide
Updated from 1992, Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide focused on the whole diet and provided guidance on recommended servings by age and gender for counselling and menu planning.
DC Member Networks and Local Action Groups
National Networks and provincial action groups continue to grow and connect dietitians for advocacy and learning.
Vision 2020
The DC board of directors leads the creation of Vision 2020. The goals to be achieved by the year 2020 included dietitians as leaders in health promotion, dietitians in new and diverse positions, improvements in professionalism and ethics, and that dietetics education is more accessible and innovative.
The Partnership for Dietetic Education and Practice (PDEP)
is formed as a national collaborative of provincial dietetic regulators (the Alliance), DC, university dietetic programs, and internship/practicum programs.
New Researcher Grant Competition
The Canadian Foundation for Dietetic Research announced a new award competition specifically for new researchers.
First Dietitians Day in Canada
The annual Dietitians Day was created to shine a spotlight on the profession and celebrate dietitians as regulated health care professionals.
The Canadian Association of Professional Programs in Human Nutrition (CAPPHN)
Formalizes a longstanding voluntary network of university dietetics programs that had been meeting annually to share resources and progress.
PEN Becomes an International Resource
With several countries joining the PEN team as contributors and users.
The Canadian Malnutrition Task Force (CMTF)
The task force was established in the Canadian Nutrition Society to drive progress in addressing malnutrition, especially in Canadian hospitals.
DC posts World Health Organization (WHO) Growth Charts online
DC leads an interprofessional collaboration with the Canadian Paediatric Society, the College of Family Physicians of Canada, Community Health Nurses of Canada, and the Canadian Pediatric Endocrine Group to support growth assessment by all health professionals.
Dietitian Workforce in Canada Meta-Analysis Report
had >3700 respondents from across Canada. The majority of respondents (45%) worked in clinical practice, 15% community, 11% public health, and 9% in administration. The majority of respondents worked full time. All provinces and territories had difficult-to-fill vacancies (vacant more than 90 days); vacancy problems were anticipated with projected retirements in the next 10 years. Only 2% of respondents worked in the area of business and industry, mostly working in sales, marketing and retail.
New Brunswick Association of Dietitians (NBAD) Regulations are Revised
The NBAD regulates the dietetic profession under the Dietitians Act (1988) including the titles Registered Dietitian or Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist. Revisions have been made to the regulations governing NBAD over the years, most notably in 2011.
DC public website launched first app providing the public with a healthy eating tip every day.
Role of Dietitians in Mental Health
DC releases a three-part series of papers highlighting the role of dietitians in mental health.
Best Practices for Nutrition, Food Service and Dining in Long-Term Care Homes
The Ontario Long Term Care Action Group released the revised working paper.
Coast to Coast Workshops
DC developed regional workshops for dietitians in 132 locations across Canada.
The Integrated Competencies for Dietetic Education and Practice (ICDEP)
developed by Partnership for Dietetic Education and Practice (PDEP) are released and delineate the entry to practice standards for registered dietitians in Canada.
Accreditation Standards for Dietetic Education Programs in Canada
The standards are released by the Partnership for Dietetic Education and Practice (PDEP).
Restaurants Canada rebrands from the Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association
They continue to provide non-profit advocacy and resources for nutrition issues in Canada’s restaurant industry.
Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research Online
The journal becomes exclusively available online.
Registered Dietitians in Canada: A Compilation of Provincial Data
DC publishes regulatory body data (as available) that highlight the need for improvement in dietetic workforce data collection to ensure sufficient workforce planning for dietitians.
Defining the Role of the Dietitian in Dysphagia Assessment and Management
The discussion paper provides clarification for dietitians and other health professionals of the role that registered dietitians have in the assessment and management of dysphagia.
Household Food Insecurity Position Paper
DC released recommendations to address household food insecurity in Canada.
DC Taxation of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Position
DC’s position leads to the establishment of a sugary drink working group to advocate for tax on sugar-sweetened beverages.
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