Please consult the pdf versions of topic timelines for more detailed information and references. CDA=Canadian Dietetic Association; DC=Dietitians of Canada. |
Timeline Since the 1990s

Sustainable Food Systems guidance
Member Blogs
As part of an effort by DC to promote members’ expertise and connect DC members with potential clients, DC profiles links to member blogs.
Misinformation Toolkit
DC created the toolkit for members to address misinformation and the steps involved in confronting whoever is spreading misinformation.
Dietitians in Primary Health Care: A Pan-Canadian Environmental Scan
DC releases the scan which summarizes the ongoing development of primary care RD services in different provinces.
Employee Health Benefits Advocacy
DC initiates an advisory committee to explore strategies to improving access to RDs in private practice, through addition of RD services to extended health insurance plans.
UnlockFood Web Site Goes Live
as the new public facing web site replacing Eat Right Ontario, which was previously funded by the Ontario government.
Disclosure Guidelines
Guidelines are created for dietitians working in the marketing, advertising, and communication sector of business dietetics released by Ad Standards Influencer Marketing Committee of Ad Standards Canada.
200th PEN Knowledge Pathway Released
This is released by Practice-based Evidence in Nutrition (PEN), representing a significant milestone since its inception in 2005.
College of Dietitians of Prince Edward Island Established
The College regulates dietitian practice, replacing the PEI Registration Board which was established under the Dietitians Act 1988.
e-Claims Billing of Dietitian Services
A number of extended health insurance plans, including Canada Life and the Chambers of Commerce, allow direct billing of dietitian services through the free TELUS Health e-Claims service. Dietitian coverage in extended health plans continues to increase.
Advocacy Toolkit for Dietitians
Provides DC members with a virtual platform to build leadership and confidence in advocacy among members.
Guide on the Role of an RD in Long Term Care Menu Planning
DC publishes the guide which provides master menus and outlines key objectives in menu planning.
Health Canada Releases New Canada’s Food Guide
The 2019 version had three main food group messages: have plenty of vegetables and fruits; eat protein foods; and choose whole grain foods. The plate model graphic shows a balanced plate and quantitative information on serving sizes is no longer included.
DC Restructures
Restructured due to loss of funding and new leadership. Organization focus to be national.
Virtual DC Conference
COVID pandemic shutdown in March 2020 prompts pivot to an online national conference for the first time. There is an increase in registered delegates compared to usual in-person attendance.
Pandemic Readiness Paper
DC is a member of Organizations for Health Action (HEAL) which releases a paper advocating for improvements in pandemic readiness, mental health, addictions, and long-term care services during the pandemic. HEAL is an advocacy association originally started in 1991 and includes 40 health care professional associations in Canada.
Workforce Trends of Recent Dietetic Program Graduates
This focused on program graduates from across Canada and is based on work from DC-commissioned researchers at the Universities of Waterloo and Saskatchewan.
Regulatory Changes to Nutrition Labelling
Labels in Canada will be required to have a symbol on the front of packages indicating if a food is high in saturated fat, sugars and/or sodium. The food industry has been given until January 1, 2026, to make the changes.
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